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A Bone Marrow and Blood Drive will be conducted for Brett Melworm at:
the Flemington JCC
5 Sergeantsville Road
Flemington, NJ 08822
on Sunday, November 16, 2008 starting at 9 AM

A marrow donor simply needs to provide a mouth swab to join the national registry.  That is the extent of the drive.  If a donor is found to be a match with anyone, the process for actual donation is similar to giving blood but it just takes longer and is done on two days. 

The mouth swab is free (however donations are gladly accepted).  One may also join the donor registry free (until 11/30/08) at this site.
A blood drive in Brett's honor will be held at the same time if you would like to participate in one or both. Please feel free to pass this link to anyone and everyone.
Information about Brett and his recent diagnosis of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) follows.
Brett Melworm is 40 years old, married 11 years to his wife Stephanie, and dad to their two precious little girls… four year old Lily and two year old Rebecca.

For the past several years Brett has been very proactive about his health, exercising regularly, eating healthy…in top physical and psychological shape. He is a physical therapist, and has spent decades helping others. All aspects of his life were in order….life was good.
Things changed August 25th.
Within 12 hours of walking into the Hunterdon Medical Center emergency room that day, suffering from severe and sudden lower back pain, Brett was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, one of the most aggressive and lethal types of this disease.
He was rushed that day to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick NJ, and the first of two intensive rounds of chemotherapy began, in addition to endless testing, and endless waiting. The chemotherapy has been successful in achieving remission at this point in time. He will continue receiving it as well, as needed.  He is unable to work, and the chemo.has sent him back into the hospital as well.

Further test results have concluded that in order to keep the leukemia in remission, a bone marrow transplant is necessary. After first testing a family member, Brett was entered into the international bone marrow transplant donor registry.  After searching eleven million donors, three potential candidates were located  However, as these are not perfect matches, and there is additional testing required, there is no guarantee a donor has been found.
It is imperative that as many potential bone marrow donors can be located as quickly as possible.
The bone marrow test amounts to a simple mouth swab. And the donation process is similar in most respects to blood donation.
Here are the two informative websites, or you can contact a local blood bank.
We are appealing for help, both as a potential bone marrow donor, and a participant in spreading the word, particularly via your email contact list.
Please forward this link to as many people as you can.
The right match is out there.....we just have to reach enough people, and we know that this email can potentially circulate around America and the world.
With our sincerest appreciation and gratitude,
Stephanie, Lily, Rebecca, and the entire family of Brett Melworm
PS - Please remember Brett and his family in your prayers as well!

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